How To brew Golden Milk

For a single 8 oz serving, combine 1 tsp of golden powder and 8 oz milk of your choice in a saucepan. For a 12 oz. serving use 1 1/2 tsp in 12 oz milk. Bring to a quick boil, then turn down and simmer for approximately 1-2 minutes, stirring constantly. Remove from heat, pour through a fine mesh strainer into a cup, and stir in 1 tsp of unsalted ghee, unsalted grass-fed butter, or coconut oil (fat helps the body absorb the curcuminoids better) and sweeten with honey to taste (approx. 1-2 tsp) or use sweetener of your choice.

single serving

Golden milk is also delicious iced! Simply heat only half your milk with the golden powder & then add the remaining amount of cold milk and pour over ice.

keep it mellow + chill, dude

For ease and convenience, we prefer to make several servings of golden milk at once by brewing up a batch in a French Press using the same ratio as above (1 tsp powder / 8 oz milk) depending on the size of your container. Honey or the sweetener of your choice can be added to the carafe or to individual cups. Store unused portions in the refrigerator to heat and serve as desired or pour over ice and serve chilled.

A French Press is handy for brewing Mellow Tone as the oat straw and milky oat tops will benefit from the longer steep times. For more learnin’, check out our videos discussing the benefits of oat straw and milky oats.

If you don’t have a French Press, you can also brew as instructed above in a heat-safe pitcher or jar and then pour through a strainer into your cup as needed.

French Press

In a French Press, add 1 tsp powder + 1-2 tsp honey for every 8 oz of milk

Stir gently until all the botanicals are mixed in. Let steep for 2-3 minutes.

Bring milk almost to a boil, then turn off heat and carefully pour into carafe.

Put lid on carafe, push down plunger, and pour desired amount. Store the unused portion in the refrigerator.