

The ability to capably move your body is a skill that has slowly been lost ever since humans transitioned away from nomadic hunter- gatherers towards a more sedentary, agrarian society, and in our desire to maximize comfort and safety year-round, we've traded away our natural environments (outdoors) for an artificial one (gyms) to recoup some of what we've lost. 

If you're wondering what I'm talking about, answer these questions:

  • How well can you move your body? 

  • Do you have strength, flexibility, agility, AND balance? 

  • Can you get into a flat-footed squat and hold it for a few minutes without pain? 

  • Could you go to a children's playground and successfully navigate your way through all of the equipment? 

  • Could you traverse the monkey bars or climb up on top of them? 

  • Could you do pull-ups or hang upside down from your knees? 

  • Could you walk across the balance beam without falling? 

  • Can you jump up onto something and then jump off again?                       

  • Can you lay your body down on the floor and then get back up again without difficulty?

  • When’s the last time you went outside and sprinted as fast as you can?

In today's lesson I'm going to briefly discuss why it's important to be able to have confidence in the way you can move your body, along with some practices I recommend to help you get started.


Vagus Nerve


Electromagnetic Frequencies