Electromagnetic Frequencies
We've always been exposed to the natural solar and geomagnetic frequencies throughout the whole of human evolutionary history. Dubbed the Schumann Resonance, these natural frequencies resonate at 7.83 Hz and are also known as the "tuning fork of life" because they were, in fact, a necessary prerequisite for life. They act as background frequencies that influence the human brain. In fact, these frequencies have determined the development of the frequencies of the principal human brain-wave signals, and indeed, science has shown us that alpha-rhythm brainwaves are in tune with the Schumann Resonance.
For millions of years, humans lived on this planet exposed only to these natural frequencies. As our own bio-electrical system was undergoing development, it became attuned to these frequencies and matched them. It can be said, then, that we evolved to resonate in harmony with the earth's pulse.
As humans became more "civilized," our cultural and social habits and lifestyles steered us away from our connection to the Earth's pulse, with the biggest insult happening in the 1880s from the electrification of our cities and the steady development of technologies that have created what's known as non-native electromagnetic fields (nnEMFs.) These fields are so ubiquitous and pervasive that there's no escaping them, and we now call this "electro-smog" or "electro-pollution".
Just as all of our wireless technologies penetrate through the walls of buildings to keep us connected and online, these nnEMFs easily penetrate our bodies and affect the biological rhythms that are coupled to our bio-electrical system. They are essentially canceling out the Schumann Resonance that we are attuned to...and it's having negative consequences on our health. Part of the problem with EMFs is that we can't see them or touch them - so we tend to ignore their existence. But the problems they can cause are very real.
The following are health problems that can be attributed to nnEMF pollution:
Many types of cancers
Neurological conditions, cognitive and behavioral problems,, mood disorders, migraines
Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD)
Sleep disorders
Hormone disruption
Immune system disorders
Fertility problems
Increased blood-brain barrier permeability (leaky brain)
DNA damage
Hopefully, at this point in the program, it's starting to become apparent to you just how big of a role our lifestyle and environment play in our overall health. That list above looks eerily similar to many of the other lists I've shared with you for other things. This is one of the reasons why I created this program...the way we live is making us sick and most people have no idea!
Unfortunately, we now live on a microwaved planet (cell phones, wi-fi- Bluetooth, etc) and there's no escaping these frequencies - although some places are worse than others. However, that doesn't mean you're helpless in combating them.
We can mitigate our exposure to them, and I highly recommend adopting the strategies I lay out in today's video lesson whenever you can...especially if you have children.