

"Thank you."

Two of the most powerful words that can ever fall out of your mouth, especially if you want to optimize your health and happiness.

In fact, cultivating a gratitude mindset has many known benefits. 

  • It makes us more likable 

  • It helps us sleep better 

  • It can lower blood pressure 

  • It can improve the immune system by increasing a very important protein called IgA 

  • It helps bolster self-love and self-confidence 

  • It can help engage your parasympathetic (calming) part of the brain to reduce stress which helps to lower the stress hormone cortisol.

Gratitude also helps to foster a more positive attitude which helps make us more mentally strong. The snowball effect from that aspect is that it helps us to let go of illusions of control, it allows us to forgive those that have hurt us (including ourselves) so that we can move on from the past and focus on right now, and it helps us to have more patience.

Of course, there are many ways to start cultivating a gratitude practice, one of the easiest is to start a gratitude journal and write in it every day. My recommendation is "The Five Minute Journal." Researchers have discovered that people who kept gratitude journals exercised more regularly, reported fewer physical symptoms, felt better about their lives as a whole, and were more optimistic. Gratitude journaling is also a great way to start fostering a thankful mindset in children.

Another thing I like to do is reframe a problem as an opportunity to be grateful instead. So what do I mean? 

  • You see a sink full of dirty dishes? I see nutritious meals we got to enjoy.

  • Get woken up early by children? I have children to love and who love me.

  • Dirty house? I have a safe place to live and raise my family. 

  • Someone testing your patience? I get to practice mindfulness.

  • An argument with a spouse? An opportunity to learn and grow with someone I love.                               

I think you get the point. The opportunity to practice gratitude is everywhere, you just have to develop the mindset.

Today's video talks about my number one reason why I think we should all spend some time each day practicing gratitude and giving thanks. I hope you enjoy it!


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