Vagus Nerve
Today we're going to discuss something that you may have never heard of, yet it's considered to be vitally important to your health - the vagus nerve.
The health of your vagus nerve is termed as either "high tone" (good) or "low tone" (not good.)
Low vagal tone is associated with things such as:
food sensitivities
chronic fatigue
autoimmune disorders
digestive and gut problems
eating disorders
mood disorders, memory and cognition problems, brain fog, depression, and anxiety
blood sugar dysregulation
increased risk of stroke, cardiovascular disease, and high blood pressure
lowered fertility and reduced orgasms
hormonal issues
In today's lesson, we're going to talk a little bit more about your vagus nerve, and I'll give you some easy ways you can stimulate it in order to help improve vagal tone, and thus, improve your health.