
Digital Detox

As you know by now, our bodies are amazingly resilient. However, as hardy as they are...it seems to me that our environments are changing more rapidly than our bodies can acclimate. This is why it's so important to take a proactive stance towards bettering your health - we're constantly being assaulted everywhere we turn, and each generation struggles more and more with degenerative health disorders.                       

What you may not have realized, is that throughout the duration of this program, we've slowly been working our way through a detox program that involves a five step process. If you've been actively participating, then you've been: reducing your exposure to toxins, increasing the amount of nutrient-dense foods you consume (including drinking better water,) improving your gut health, improving your ability to detox by boosting the health of your organs of detoxification and elimination (kidneys, liver, skin, and digestive system,) and getting better sleep to allow your body to be able to repair and regenerate.                       

Now as wonderful as this all sounds - and it is - that's not the kind of detox we're talking about today.

Today's strategy involves a digital detox.                       

That's right...we need to stop spending so much time immersed in our technology, because it's a tremendous driver of chronic stress and the dis-ease process, even though we claim it's making our lives easier. The impact it's having on our children is even worse, and the more connected we become to our digital toys, the more disconnected we become to our kids and to each other.


In today's video, I'm going to discuss some of the dangers of digital overload, including something called "digital dementia." I'll also share some ideas for reducing your tech load so that you can make more time for the things that really matter.

Watch the video, then log out and go sit in the sun!  


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