All About Organics
To me, today's topic seems obvious - if not a little bit frustrating as well.
First of seems absurd that we even have to designate products with a special label to denote cleanliness or purity, instead of calling the conventional stuff for what it is: tainted...toxic...dirty. The interesting thing is that by defining "organic" and what is and isn't allowed, you're also tacitly admitting what is allowed in non-organic products - and it's horrifying: artificial food colorings and dyes, pesticides, herbicides, rodenticides, GMOs, synthetic fertilizers, sewage sludge, antibiotics, growth hormones, industrial solvents, and more. Much more (and much more gross.)
And yet, many people scoff at the notion of buying organic - primarily because they think it's a waste of money.
Look, I'll be isn't perfect, and organic doesn't always mean "healthy," but I promise you, organic is a much better choice than non-organic...hands down...and it's most definitely worth the extra money. Especially when you factor in the expense that non-organic is likely going to cost to your health if you continue to assault your body with these toxic things on a daily basis.
In today's lesson, I'm going to share with you my number one reason for going organic, as well as how you can make better decisions on which companies and products you should buy organic.