Healthy Relationships
Places around the world that have the highest number of centenarians (people over the age of 100) are called “blue zones”. Researchers have observed that people living in these blue zones share several common behavioral and lifestyle characteristics, despite being from different areas of the world and of different races, nationalities, and religions.
These shared characteristics include:
an avoidance of smoking
a nutrient-dense, locally grown, mostly plant-based diet
small amounts of locally raised meat - mostly fish 2--3x a week
moderate daily physical activity - walking, gardening
having a purpose in life
quality sleep time
community and relationships
Notice anything familiar about that list? It all boils down to environment and lifestyle. It's also pretty similar to things we've covered in this program.
Now, of these shared characteristics, a Harvard study showed that the single most important factor to good health and longevity is community and relationships.
Having strong social networks provides for shared lessons, mentorships, friendships and camaraderie, inspiration, and motivation. Not only that, having a community - a tribe - of other people who are invested in your well-being and happiness has been shown to reduce stress, and as you know by now, that leads to a reduction in chronic disease.
The people living in the blue zones not only live longer, they also tend to live better. Their improved quality of life has them growing older in a healthier state, with significantly lowered risks of dis- ease. They were healthier and felt better. So the longest-lived people in the world "live better and feel better". (Hmm...that sounds familiar too.)
As social primates, humans aren't meant to live alone in isolation. In fact, it can be downright debilitating to our physical, mental, and spiritual growth to separate ourselves away from other humans for long periods of time.
If you want to increase your longevity and age more gracefully, then start adopting the lessons in this program into your daily routine. Wake up each day with a purpose, and then go out and fulfill it! Build a social safety net...engage in weekly activities...volunteer. Get involved in your community - not just for yourself, but for others, too. Personally, I’ve been a volunteer in my community coaching youth soccer since 2016, and I have to say it’s been one of my greatest joys in life.
Think of all the lives you can improve...including your own!