Breathing Fundamentals
“Mouth breather”.
No doubt you've heard this phrase used as a derogatory term identifying someone as a slack-jawed stupid person, but what if there was actually some truth behind it? What if breathing through your mouth could affect your learning ability?
Turns out, it a whole lot more.
Stop right now and take note: are you breathing through your mouth or your nose? What about when you sleep? Do you snore or have sleep apnea? Do you awaken throughout the night trying to catch your breath? Do you ever wake up with a dry mouth?
There's a pretty good chance you said yes to one or more of these questions, because about 80% of people are breathing incorrectly.
It's important to take note of how you breathe, because if you're unconsciously breathing through your mouth, it can have serious implications on your health.
Tune in to today's video lesson to learn more about the side benefits of proper breathing, and if you're interested in learning more about how to control your breath and the connections between breathing, sleep, and health - check out the links below.