
The Power Of Perception

In his book “The Biology of Belief,” Bruce Lipton says “We acquire our ability to respond to the world that we live in - not from our own personal experiences, but by downloading the experiences of others around us that we might refer to as our teachers...those are the experiences of how to deal with life that are downloaded into our subconscious.” 

So in other words, most of the programming of our subconscious mind was patterned or learned from other people when we were children. Interestingly, he then goes on to state that for 95-99% of the day, our thoughts and actions operate from the subconscious level, and less than 5% comes from our own conscious thought.                       

If that's true, then ask yourself: are the subconscious programs that you employ on a daily basis providing you with the life that you really want, or are you self-sabotaging due to dysfunctional subconscious programming?

Lucky for us, it's possible to rewrite our programs so that our conscious desires align with our actions. We do this by learning how to change our perceptions.                       

We have a brain filled with trillions of cells that functions as the intermediary between the external world that we experience and the internal world of our biology. 

As Dr. Lipton says, “The function of the brain is perception; it's to read the world and then adjust the biology.”

If you want to change your programming – and ultimately your life – then you need to develop your conscious mind to become mindful (full of mind.) Be here now. Learn how to alter your perceptions so that you can change your subconscious programming into thoughts and actions that encourage health and vitality instead of dis-ease and dysfunction.                       

Change your health by changing your mind.


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