

We all know that we're supposed to drink water to “stay hydrated” and help eliminate toxins and waste, but for many people - that's about the extent of it. In fact, most people don't even really know what it means to "be hydrated," or that water is anything other than wet. 

Since 99% of the molecules that comprise you are water, it would probably be a good idea for you to really get to know this substance and why it's so vital to your health.

First, not all water is the same. The water that's in your cells isn't the same as the liquid that comes out of your faucet...not even close.

The water in your body is "ordered" or "structured" - that is, the water molecules are lined up in an orderly fashion. However, instead of being one or two molecular layers thick, this structured water in your cells is millions of molecular layers thick. When that happens, the properties of that water change, and it actually becomes a different phase altogether.

That's right, there are four phases of water: solid, liquid, gas, and gel. This fourth phase has been dubbed "EZ" (or exclusion zone) water by the scientist who discovered it (really, re-discovered it) just a few years ago, Dr Gerald Pollack. It goes by different names - EZ, Fourth phase water, gel-phase water, and structured water (I prefer structured water.) 

To learn more about this water, watch this short video from Dr Pollack. I also highly recommend reading his book, "The Fourth Phase Of Water."  I recommend this book to all my clients because the information is so profoundly vital to understanding how sunlight and water are used by the body for many critical physiological processes. 

In today's video, I'm going to teach you more about water and why it's critical for you to stay hydrated. Then I'm going to share with you my best strategies for optimizing your water intake. 


Morning Routine

